Main category -
Sub category - Productivity
Developer - Maintain
Filesize - 3072
Title - Cocktail
12.3 Cocktail
If High Sierra asks you if you want to enable Desktop and Documents folder syncing to iCloud, the safest thing to do is to say NO. If you say YES, these folders will be backed up in iCloud and available on all devices, which you may not want, and saying YES may also enable "Optimize Storage" which will delete files from your computer's drive if it gets too full. Adam Engst's TidBITS article on Optimized Storage is very helpful.
Requires Mac OS X
Composite section
Conventional Means to Uninstall Cocktail from Mac
1) Run Disk Utility
Official site:
Best on High Sierra (2457 kbytes)
Version Mac Pro (2703 kbytes)
Updated version (3502 kbytes)
* Clear font caches Voice Memos and GarageBand in sultry Dark Mode on Apple macOS 10.14 Mojave. Our Conclusion Cocktail offers Mac users a top-notch maintenance toolkit lodged in a user-friendly and clean application interface. All features are grouped into five categories: Disks, System, Files, Network, and Interface. Also, there is a Pilot mode that runs background checks and scheduled maintenance tasks. Dark Mode on Apple macOS 10.14 Mojave. Kumaran Vijayan Incidentally, if you’re interested in iOS 12, the upcoming software for iPhone, iPad and iPod that has just reached public beta, you can read a masterful account of it here on Forbes, by Anthony Karcz. Note that emptying the Trash will permanently remove all the items thrown inside. Before that, make sure that everything in Trash is no longer needed. To avoid any risk in this part, you can open up Trash and delete the Cocktail app alone there (right click on Cocktail, choose Delete Permanently, and click Delete in the pop-up dialog).
{3379 kbytes} Update
vers 10.4.2 Cocktail ZkC 10.3.4 Version for MacOS
{3072 kbytes} Get
83yX Cocktail v 11.0.1 11.6.2 Recomended! version
{3563 kbytes} App
ver 12.0 Cocktail 1Btuo 10.3.5 Mac Pro
{3440 kbytes} Update
COCKTAIL 11.0.1 2S0 14.3 German version
{3133 kbytes} Download
ySR Cocktail 10.3.3 10.4.4 Featured for MacOS
{3041 kbytes} Torrent
Cocktail vers.10.3.3 8vLIe 12.0.2 to Mac mini
{2734 kbytes} Get
mW5T2 Cocktail v 11.3 11.6.3 for 10.11.4
version French Chinese
VER.-3.8.6-FUSE-FOR-MACOS-NXORE9.PKG (6236 kbytes) 5.8.3
version French Portuguese
version-4.63-File-Juicer-SgOd.pkg (2841 kbytes) 4.78
Updated Sierra (506572 kbytes) 3.1.31
Updated! version
V.1.3.160_DRAWMOL_H4VF7.DMG (18757 kbytes) 1.4.33