Main category, Internet
Sub category, Email
Filesize, 8294
Title, MailSteward
➡ v.13.2 MailSteward
The accounts preference pane is particular useful if you don’t want every email account to be archived. You can select just those needed, and opt to delete email after archiving (I wouldn’t recommend doing this). The other settings relate to viewing preferences, whether you would like to automatically schedule archiving, and how MailSteward indexes various columns to speed up searching.
Pubblog Store
You can also define rules to automatically tag e-mail as it is archived, as explained in the Set Rules for Tagging section.
As you will see from the screenshots, it is not the prettiest application in the world, and it is not particularly Mac-like either. However, remember that as an archive application you will be using it on a more occasional basis, so in that respect the aesthetics are forgivable. When it comes to functionality, though, it hits it out of the park – you can select your mail for archiving my account or individual mailbox, specify attachment inclusion and also limit the size of attachments imported, and archiving can be set on a regular schedule if so desired. Once the mail is imported, you can browse the database via a comprehensive table of the mail records, with a clear preview window of each one. All of the data you would expect for each mail is presented in the table, and columns can be resized, sorted and moved as you see fit. Tagging of database records is supported, and to filter the data there is every search field and combination of search fields you can imagine. Spotlight is not supported, however – SQL database data does not work well with Spotlight’s freeform approach. The speed of SQL searches means that this is not an issue. Once you have the mail you are looking for, you can forward or reply to it, or export the collected mails as text or files.
So I sent this tech support query to Apple:
The system will ask for the MySQL password, which you can find in your ~/Desktop/MYSQL_PASSWORD file. The following commands should be entered exactly, but you’ll want to replace new password with a decent password that you won’t forget. Keep the passwords the same. The lines beginning with Query OK are system responses indicating that you did good. You only need to enter the information following the mysql> prompt. The semicolons are important.
Featured! version
for 10.13.5
If you still cannot install or run a different version of MySQL, you might have to issue one last command in the Terminal2:
Before you download and install the macOS Mojave public beta, you should make sure your Mac is ready for the big push. Are you going to partition your Mac? Will you use a bootable installer drive? You're questions are answered here.
The first time you launch MailSteward, this is what you will see:
macOS Mojave public beta: The ultimate guide
For a few years now, Apple has opened up its beta program to the pubic. If you're willing to give it a try and test out the public beta to help Apple troubleshoot any issues found in the wild, you can sign up for the public beta and send your feedback on what needs to be addressed before the operating system goes pubic.
[task4 release];
Merge database files together.
sudo rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/My*
[9123 kbytes] Keygen
MailSteward ver. 12.3.2 U4pYWY 13.5 El Captan
[7049 kbytes] App
HlWrRR v 12.3 MailSteward 13.5 Recomended for High Sierra
[7962 kbytes] Latest
13.1.1 MailSteward j2t5dj 13.1.2 Mojave
[9289 kbytes] Free
BJ7LCO MAILSTEWARD VERS.12.3.7 13.3 10.12.4
[8957 kbytes] Keygen
rHb8 version 13.1 MailSteward 12.0 Recomended on OS X
[6966 kbytes] Torrent
13.1.4 MailSteward JPcb 12.3.8 MacOS
[6635 kbytes] Software
s9sM MailSteward ver 12.3.7 12.3.1 New for Mac Pro
Updated to Mac mini
on High Sierra
4.1.13.PLANNER.5D.C4E.APP 4.4.12