Main category: Utilities
Sub category: Desktop
Developer: West-Forest-Systems
Filesize: 18534
Title: NeoFinder
NameChanger is designed for the sole purpose of renaming a list of files.
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abeMeda - The Complete Cataloging Solution Guide
Download File Size: 3.3 MB
Find Any File 1.9.3
Open the Finder, go to the Menu Bar, open the “Go” menu, select the entry:|Go to Folder... and then enter the path of the Application Support folder:~/Library
Featured 10.14 (20016 kb)
Featured High Sierra (18534 kb)
New MacOS (18534 kb)
Serial key NeoFinder
NeoFinder iOS actually works really fine on the iPad, as stated, as you can see from the screen shots already in the App Store.
Developer/Publisher: Werner Freytag
Improved handling of cataloging BMP files
The catalogs work on Mac and PC (On PC you use the CDWinder version of the app). You can put the catalogs on a server, and you're set.
NameChanger 3.4.2
Invisibly attach files to images - simple steganography
* Sorting with the Sort Menu is now also possible by Kind, Rating, Comment, Path, and Label
NeoFinder keeps track of your documents, photos, songs, movies, and folders wherever they are stored.
| 20016 kbytes | Torrent
dFXKE NeoFinder 7.2 7.3 OS X
| 19460 kbytes | Update
NEOFINDER 7.3.4 KL7 8.3.3 Sierra
| 14827 kbytes | Free
VER 7.1.1 NEOFINDER VAWN 7.3 Featured to MacOS
| 21684 kbytes | Software
NeoFinder vers.7.3.7 GbZD 7.1 Featured on 10.13.4
| 17236 kbytes | Download
NeoFinder 7.3.4 OEa 7.2.1 French version
| 15383 kbytes | Software
NeoFinder 7.1.1 e4F0 7.2 Language Spanish
| 22055 kbytes | Get
KGX NEOFINDER VERS 9.3.3 7.3.6 Recomended! version
Mojave {5308 kbytes} 4.5.1
Updated El Captan
ver.-8.1.13-Integrity-Plus-LYY3UI.pkg {8229 kbytes} 6.10.0
Languages Japanese Hindi Portuguese
VERS.3.3.5_THE_VAULT_6EX.APP {14764 kbytes} 2.5.2
V.1.1_XTRAFINDER_TACY7O.APP {5848 kbytes} 1.6