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Sub category - Developer Tools
Developer - Hankinsoft Development, Inc.
Filesize - 77107
Title - SQLPro Studio
▸ v.2019.05.08 SQLPro Studio
Compare that to using the Sequel Pro GUI:
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I use sequelpro for my dev en and for all other env when I can : staging/prod.
Recomended to 10.13.6 [88673 kbytes]
Sierra [84046 kbytes]
Software key SQLPro Studio 2019.05.08
When this question was asked there were very few tools out there were worth much. I also ended up using Fusion and a Windows client. I have tried just about everything for MAC and Linux and never found anything worthwhile. That included dbvisualizer, squirrel (particularly bad, even though the windows haters in my office swear by it), the oracle SQL developer and a bunch of others. Nothing compared to DBArtizan on Windows as far as I was concerned and I was prepared to use it with Fusion or VirtualBox. I don't use the MS product because it is only limited to MS SQL. Honestly, I've never seen a native macOS app that I thought was any good though This is the best Microsoft SQL Server Managment Studio replacement for doing queries and much more. Filtering/Sorting data based on single constraint including equal to/in/like/between etc. Tables But when I refer to "open the database", what I mean is: (also available on the Mac App Store) El Capitan ready Syntax highlighting with customizable themes (including dark).
| 75564 KB | Download
AZRU5Y VER 1.0.320 SQLPRO STUDIO 1.0.156 Featured iMac
| 87901 KB | Software
V.1.0.163 SQLPRO STUDIO OKR 1.0.156 New to Mojave
| 85588 KB | Software
SQLPro Studio vers.1.0.181 msqlNq 2019.05.11 Version to Mac mini
| 66312 KB | Free
A8J SQLPRO STUDIO 1.0.301 1.0.320 New! version
| 63998 KB | Download
SQLPRO STUDIO VERSION 1.0.127 9SD 1.0.455 Recomended for El Captan
| 87130 KB | App
Z9U 2019.05.9 SQLPro Studio 1.0.453 to Mojave
| 67854 KB | Download
1.0.301 SQLPro Studio 8xHRp 1.0.163 Best on El Captan
on El Captan
V.2.6.4.BLOCS.WUNP5.APP {25159 kb} 3.0.4
Updated Mac
T7GYX9-OMNIPLAN-PRO-V.3.9.APP {92234 kb} 3.10.3