Video; Multimedia Design; Marko Hlebar; 9523 KB; Trailer
Trailer is a macOS app that simplifies recording and producing marketing videos for your mobile, web and desktop apps.
Record your app preview video
Trailer supports recording video from iOS devices, or your macOS screens. Simply pick the device you want to record from, check the live preview directly from the device, and record your app preview videos seamlessly.
Ready to use templates
Trailer comes with a set of templates for iOS devices. You can live preview how your video output will look by switching through the templates. You are, however, not limited to this set of templates, as Trailer comes with a set of tools for creating and distributing your own templates. Trailer can export to .trailertemplate open file format, which is based on JSON, and is easily editable by programmers or designers.
Make your own templates
Are you creating a video for an Android device? That's great, you can create your own templates, by importing an image mockup of different file formats. Using Trailer's powerful editing tools, you can make your video stand out on any kind of a template. If you're a designer, or an agency you can share your templates with your clients by using .trailertemplate files.
Batch export for social media
Trailer comes with popular social media presets and iTunes Connect, so you don't have to worry about the size of the video. The app will warn you if your video is too long, or too short.
Note: the downloadable application is a demo version with limited functionality.
to MacBook
Updated on MacOS [10284 KB]
Version for iMac
Trailer.1.1.5.VKVfS.dmg [9427 KB]
New for OS X [8285 KB]
New! version
a5hyw-trailer-ver-1.1.7.pkg [9618 KB]
TRAILER_V.2.1.4_JYTF.APP [10475 KB]
Marko Hlebar
Best! version
mxCHsB.2.0.6.AppyDays.pkg 2.0.5
MacBook Pro
q4hZu8_BitNami_ownCloud_Stack_11.0.10.dmg 10.0.7-0
(7808 kbytes) App
6VTl ver 1.3.4 Trailer 2.1.4 on Mac mini
(8094 kbytes) Free
VltwK 1.1.8 Trailer 3.1.4 High Sierra
(10475 kbytes) Get
OFVAA ver. 1.3.4 Trailer 1.1.7 on MacBook Pro
(10760 kbytes) Get
TRAILER VERSION 1.1.8 N04 2.1.4 for MacBook Pro
(9332 kbytes) Download
8TQFH TRAILER V.1.3.4 3.1.4 iMac