Main category, Education
Sub category, Science
Developer, Mike Wesemann
Filesize, 10240
Title, Plot2 Pro
❱ Plot2 Pro 2.6.12
StarDrop 6.4 now links prepared 3D docking and alignment models with data visualisation, 2D SAR analyses and predictive models in a single interface. There is also the possibility to add subviews (plots inside plots) to your document. A subview is completely independent with its own data buffers, graphic attributes, etc. Data can be imported from text or binary files, directly from a MySQL database, with a Perl based import filter or from EPICS. func number(for plot: CPTPlot, field fieldEnum: UInt, record idx: UInt) -> Any? { let symbol = symbols[Int(idx)] let currencyRate = []!.floatValue return 1.0 / currencyRate } Follow Chatty on: aquaterm-user — Discussion and support for AquaTerm users Here is a quick collection of such books to start your fair weather study off on the right foot. The list begins with a base of statistics, moves on to machine learning foundations, progresses to a few bigger picture titles, has a quick look at an advanced topic or 2, and ends off with something that brings it all together. A mix of classic and contemporary titles, hopefully you find something new (to you) and of interest here.
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Core Plot is a 2D plotting library for iOS, Mac OS X, and tvOS. It uses Apple frameworks like Quartz and Core Animation; it has solid test coverage; and it’s released under a permissive BSD license.
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Sentira is a new chemical data visualisation tool from Optibrium. The focus is on ease of use data visualisation and as such is probably targeted at the bench scientist rather than a specialist computational scientist. It supports a selection of plotting and SAR tools.
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